Green Sap – Some clinical cases


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Case 1: Malignant prostate pathology

Name: Eber Paiva
Age: 67 years old
Country: Uruguay
Reason of consultation:
10/5/2001 Consults because of polaquiury and disury. Has UAR done which makes him been catheterized. He is treated with pelvic anti- inflammatories and does not improve. This symptomatology was present since six months ago. The episode of the UAR motivated his consultation. Personal antecedents: No personal antecedents to remark.
Family antecedents: Mother deceased because of a rectum AC.
Present disease’s antecedents:
He begins six months ago with polaquiury and disury which needs the mentioned treatment to be performed. Rectum tactum performed, prostate compatible with a IV grade hypertrophy. (see page 17). Biopsy by trans-rectum ultrasonography that shows well differentiated prostate adenocarcinoma. Gleason 5, PSA 14,94 (see page 18). GREEN SAP initiated on November 3rd., 2001, 40 drops 3 times per day. PSA after 30 days: 8,21.
11/23/2001: Computerized tomography (see page 23): Prostate size very increased and its density is heterogenic, which can correspond to a necrosis in its interior. It disfigures the blade’s floor but does not seem to infiltrate it. It is decided to increase the medicament to 40 drops 4 times per day. He improves the urination disorders (urination stinging) and testicle pain.
Disease evolution: On the 01/06/2002 has PSA tested which result is: 6.74 ng/ml. (see page 25). On the 08/22/2002 Total PSA 0.83 ng/ml. (see page 27). It is remarkable that the patient also received, as we advised conventional therapy, hormonal and radiant, being at the present moment in clinic cure following with the ingestion of our medication.
Released patient, ingests the medicament for one month yearly in a dosage of 30 drops per day. Conclusions: 67 years old, with no personal antecedents to mark, suffers an urine acute retention. The biopsy by trans-rectal ultrasonography shows a Prostate Adenocarcinoma well differentiated Gleason 5, PSA 14.94. GREEN SAP treatment is initiated on November 3rd., 2001, 40 drops 3 times per day. He quickly improves his urinary disorders and testicle pain that grieved him.
He reaches clinic cure and release thanks to the use of GREEN SAP, which has an acknowledged efficacy in Prostate cancer.
GREEN SAP is a medicament of proved efficacy in this pathology, demonstrated along the years and the empiric experience.
It is evident that GREEN SAP avoided more significant damages in the patient and we can say that it is a medicament for which this patient lives thankful for having eliminated his illness.


Case 2: Malignant prostate pathology: Mr. Héctor Tanco.

Name: Héctor Tanco
Age: 66 years old
Country: Argentina
Reason of consultation:
12/26/2000 Consults because of polaquiury with no other symptoms. Normal urine. Personal antecedents: Hypertension, treated with hyposodic diet although he does not attach to it regularly. Smoker until 30 years ago. No alcohol. Apendicectomized and amigdalectomized, asthma until 22 years old. Family antecedents: None to remark.
Present disease antecedents:
Begins with polaquiury. Studied with PSA showed figures of 84.5 on the 03/05/2001 which motivated a more exhausting study (see page 35). 04/04/2001- Has ultrasonography done which show images compatible with prostate of 38 mm. x 36 mm. and an approximate weight of 28 g., slightly post-urinary residue with no pathological significance, blade wall of normal thickness, with no endoluminal projections, joining free blade-urethers. Bilateral renal ultrasonography: both kidneys are of normal shape and size, with parenquimo-sinusal relation conserved. They are not observed neither signs of hydronefrosis nor images that could correspond to lithyasis (see page 33). Prostate Biopsy Punction under trans-rectal ultrasonographic control. Images compatibles with: Prostate of 38x41x31 mm. which shows an approximately weight of 34 g. The specific prostate antigen for that weight would be 4 ng/ml. Cystic image in retro-uretheral central zone, seminal vesicles symmetric (see page 43).
Pathological Anatomy: showed a well differentiated Prostate Adenocarcinoma. Gleason Score 5 (3+2). It is a bilateral carcinoma, the compromise is similar in both sides and of a 50 %. Date of the result: 05/15/2001. Total bone centellography: Date 06/06/2001 in the bone scan performed no pathologic hyper-concentration areas of the isotope are seen (see page 47).
Abdominal and pelvic Computerized Axial Tomography: The liver conserves its habitual morphology and density, its structure is homogeneous, there is no dilatation of the bilious way, the bilious vesicle content is homogeneous by this method. Spleen, pancreas, kidneys and adrenal conserved. At the pelvic area an increased size of the prostate is observed with of the blade floor, the blade shows its walls slightly thickened. No lymph nodes retro peritoneal iliac or inguinal are observed.
Disease evolution: A treatment with gosereline, 3,6 injectable, monthly, is installed, and bicalutamide 50 mg. per day. As a definitive pretreatment is installed B.A.T.
We indicate 50 drops of the medicament, sublingually, every 6 hours.
06/06/2001 A bone centellography is done, showing that in the bone scan performed no areas of pathological hyper-concentration of the isotope are seen.
04/03/2002 Asymptomatic, increased to 60 drops every 6 hours. Normalization of his free PSA.
Patient who begins his disease in stage T 2c N0 M0. He took the medicament during a year, at the present moment he is at clinic cure, taking 30 drops per day during one month, one month per year. Patient on release. 66 years old, hypertension, treated with hypo-sodic diet, carrying a prostate differentiated adenocarcinoma, Gleason Score 5 (3+2), with similar compromise of both sides of a 50 % (05/15/2001).
Treated with gosereline 3,6 injectable during a month and with bicalutamide 50 mg. per day. A total androgenic blockade is performed, definitive pretreatment.
He receives the medicament 50 drops sublingually every 6 hours; he reaches the cure due to GREEN SAP which was the medicament he most received. There is normalization of the biochemical parameters which are beneath normal limits.
The patient leads a life with an excellent quality thanks to the medicament.
GREEN SAP has an excellent action against prostate cancer and has achieved that this patient leads a complete life and has eliminated his neoplasy thanks to this medicament. GREEN SAP has returned to him total functionality and changed his life, due to its efficacy empirically proved and of first level in prostate cancer.


Case 3: Malignant prostate pathology: Mr. Raúl Smith.

Name: Raúl Smith Belgrave
Age: 77 years old
Country: Cuba
Reason of consultation:
Night urine and weak urine flow.
Personal antecedents:
Mesenteric thrombosis in January,1995. He went under surgery and is evolutioning without difficulty. Family antecedents: With no antecedents to remark.
Present Disease Antecedents:
Because of the night urine and weak urine flow was attended by an urologist who found at the rectal digital exam a prostate size increased and hardened of woody consistence, therefore indicating the following complementary exams which showed the following results: 01/11/2002: Hemoglobin 134 g/l, Eritro 14 mm/h, Creatinine 98 mmol/l.
Prostate ultrasonography: Bladder almost empty, anyway prostate size globally increased and heterogeneous, which measures 55×41. Superior hemi-abdomen ultrasonography: fat liver, no nodular lesion, no other alterations. Bone gammagraphy: Nuclear bone scan where increased accumulation of the radio-pharmaco can be seen in the lumbar vertebral column (L5) and reduced accumulation in both sacroiliac joints.
Prostate biopsy 01/11/2002: Moderately differentiated prostate adenocarcinoma, Gleason 6, PSA 88,1 ng/l. It was concluded that the patient presents a moderately differentiated prostate adenocarcinoma not metastasic and he was indicated to begin with Androcur 2 tablets per day. The month after having begun the treatment PSA is repeated 02/12/2002: from 88 ng/l to 21,4 ng/l. Besides the patient experiments a notable improvement related to the night urine previously mentioned. Disease evolution:
It was not possible to follow through the PSA as there are no reactives in the country. But the imagenologic studies were repeated on the 07/04/2002 and the gammagraphy showed the following inform: Nuclear bone scan shows larger accumulation of the radio-pharmaco on the fifth lumbar vertebra subjective of an increased osteoblastic activity at that level.
It is suggested a conventional radiological study to discard bone degenerative process, in the rest of the skeleton no other pathological captures can be visualized.
Now the patient refers to present only pain in the hip joint. 12/09/2003 Another PSA is done and is of 12 ng/l and the hip joint pain has frankly improved, he goes on with the treatment with the medicament in a dosage of 40 drops 3 times per day.
On the 02/26/2003 another PSA is done which is of 7,4 ng/l, the night urine has improved remarkably, he is in a good general state of health. He did not have loss of weight. He keeps a good appetite.
03/07/2003 He is reevaluated by oncology and urology and is reported as clinically cured.
All the complementary exams are within normal parameters. (see Some e-mails received page 159).
Patient on release clinically cured.
Conclusions: Patient of 77 years old proceeding from Cuba, with personal antecedents of mesenteric thrombosis in January 1995, who consults due to a low urinary syndrome, being explored with rectal tactum which showed prostate increased in size, hardened, of woody consistence. Prostate ultrasonography, bladder almost empty, though prostate globally increased in size, and heterogeneous, which measures 55 mm x 41 mm. By ultrasonography there is either no liver compromise nor other abdominal alterations.
Bone centellography with increased accumulation of the radio-pharmac in lumbar vertebral column (L5) and reduction of it in both sacroiliac joints. The 01/11/2002 biopsy showed Moderately Differentiated Prostate Adenocarcinoma, Gleason 6, PSA 88,1 ng/l. He was indicated Androcur, 2 tablets per day and the PSA lows to 21,4 ng/l.
On the 12/09/2003: PSA in 12 ng/l, frank hip joint pain improvement, receiving a dosage of 40 drops 3 times per day. Patient on urology and oncology release, with last PSA of 7,4 ng/l. Good general state, no weight loss and good appetite. All the complementary exams are within normal parameters. There is no doubt that the benefic effect of GREEN SAP on the prostate cancer, has manifested totally, conducting to the clinic cure of the patient, as well as his doctor daughter tells us by e-mail.
This patient achieved the cure of his pathology thanks to the use of GREEN SAP, that has a proven first level efficacy in prostate cancers, as well as in lots of others. It supports this testimony the fact that this patient’s daughter is a colleague who worked in the National Oncology Institute of Cuba and actually is working in Luanda – Angola. Once again GREEN SAP contributes to the eradication of a malignant pathology and to the patient having a worthy life and disease free.


Case 4: Glandular hyperplasia with atypical focuses with PIN III

Name: Luis Mohana
Age: 72 years old
Country: Argentina
Reason of consultation: 05/02/2002 The patient’s wife consults, he presents prostate tumor.
Personal antecedents: No personal antecedents to remark.
Family antecedents: None to remark.
Present disease antecedents: Treated due to bladder polyps, with multiple explorations. In one of them a prostate increased in size is discovered, having the patient a normal PSA. In the first Pathological Anatomy can be seen various fragments of prostate tissue with glandular hyperplasia, ectasy, chronic inflammation and multiple areas of PIN III with acinar hyperplasia, (see page 57). Results: low molecular weight queratine positive 95 % and (++). High molecular weight queratine positive in the area of atypical proliferation. PIN III (Diagnosis: glandular hyperplasia with micro-areas of PIN III).
Note: No total loss of basal layer is observed in these areas.
It is indicated control and treatment in Oncology Urology center in Buenos Aires. A biopsy is solicited 6 months from now on and PSA 3 months from now on. It is indicated to begin with the medicament with 30 drops 4 times per day sublingually.
Disease evolution: 06/05/2002 – Consults again with his wife. He refers asymptomatic, has a PSA to be done the 07/03/2002. The PSA levels are on increase but always within normal limits.
03/07/2002 PSA – 2,1 ng/ml
03/26/2002 PSA – 2,54 ng/ml
We keep in touch by e-mail or telephone. He accomplishes the treatment with the medicament precisely and the process keeps localized. As we do not see the patient we cannot have the perception that gives clinic exploration, anyway, at the present moment, the patient is within normal parameters.
07/10/2002 – Telephone communication with the patient who refers his 07/03/2002 PSA as of 3.09 ng/ml, that he is asymptomatic and his general state is good. He keeps on receiving 30 drops 4 times per day sublingually; we increase the dosage to 45 drops 4 times per day due to the slight increase of the PSA.
08/07/2002 A telephone communication with the patient was made, where he refers being asymptomatic, with good spirit, and performing all his daily activities. He considers that the intake of the drops has benefited him remarkably, opinion we share. Next control in March, 2003. Clinically stable patient. He goes on with the medicament with 45 drops 4 times per day.
03/25/2003 Telephone communication with the patient in what he communicates us he is in excellent state of health performing his daily activities and with no kind of problem. He send us via fax the last PSA made on the 03/14/2003 with a value of 3,56 ng/ml. (see page 59). Also he sends a pelvic ultrasonography with normal results (see page 60). Patient on release, at present on clinic cure. It is indicated a maintenance dosage of 30 drops per day during a month, once a year.
Conclusions: Patient with malignant prostate pathology of 72 years old proceeding from Argentina, consulting his wife and referring to us a prostate tumoration. Treated due to bladder polyps, in one of them is discovered the prostate was increased in size, having a normal PSA. The pathological anatomy shows glandular hyperplasia with micro-areas of PIN III, and begins treatment with the medicament on May 3rd., 2002. Beginning with 30 drops, 4 times per day sublingually. Evolution towards an improvement, keeping always the PSA within normal values. Effect we attribute to the GREEN SAP. Patient who at present we can consider cured (not with the criteria of 5 years, international criteria) thanks to the use of GREEN SAP, which once again has shown its nobility as an anti-neoplasic medicament allowing the patient to be in a good state of health performing the daily activities that any person can do.


Case 5: Malignant prostate pathology

Name: Pablo Cordero
Age: 88 years old
Country: Panama
Reason of consultation: 05/25/2002 Acute urine retention
Personal Antecedents: Gonartritis; hypo-acusia.
Family antecedents: None to remark.
Present disease antecedents: In January, 2002, due to an acute urine retention, after being examined he was given the diagnosis of prostate cancer, he had a bladder endoscopy made towards the end of March, resulting positive and was indicated Flutamide one tablet 3 times per day. He was suggested an orchectomy, but his family prefers alternative therapy. He looses weight. Anemic, with no pelvic pain, with bladder catheter. He underwent a prostate biopsy punction. Anatomy pathology Diagnosis: A. Prostate, right lobe (biopsy), moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, Gleason 3+4=7 which compromises approximately 30 % of the sample, with no peri-neural invasion.
There’s a PIN III area of high grade, areas of lympho-vascular permeation are observed. B. Prostate, left lobe (biopsy), moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma Gleason 3+4=7 which compromises approximately 20 % of the sample.
No peri-neural or vascular invasion is observed.
A month later bone centellography shows compromise, not defining in which bone. Disease evolution: They decide to use our medicament.
The patient feels well and the catheter was retired. In the 4th. month of treatment with the medicament he is urinating normally. On February 11th., 2003, underwent a surgery due to intestinal occlusion caused by adherences of an old appendicitis surgery. He was grave and stayed in hospital for 36 days.
Also due to a pneumonia because of a hospital bacteria, but he is recovering satisfactorily. He had a rectal exam done and a pelvic and abdominal computerized tomography. In the rectal exam a prostate increased in size but soft was found, as a bubble and not woody. He did not show pain at the tactum, the CAT showed a somehow big prostate. The surgeon informed that in the operation area the intestines were metastases free, only some necrosis of the thin intestine due to adherence was found. He changes doctor and consults a urology oncologist, who did not know his case and found a prostate with the size of a plump. The prostate was found to be of soft consistence as rubber and had a little protuberance also soft. He was surprised by the fact that previously he had been diagnosed as advanced prostate cancer. The doctor saw the biopsy and confessed that if it wasn’t for it he wouldn’t have believed it was the same patient.
A bottle of the medicament he was taking is shown to the doctor. He concluded that this medicament, which was the only thing he was taking, must have improved his cancer. Anyway he ordered some laboratory exams and “X” rays, he recommended to go on taking the medicament. The patient is asymptomatic, in clinic cure and on release. (see Some E-mails received, page 159).


Conclusions on anti-tumor GREEN SAP action on malignant prostate neoplasies. Evidently, as for the collected experience, a benefic effect of GREEN SAP on prostate neoplasies is found, which is demonstrated by normalizing or reducing the PSA, causing a loss of size of the tumors evident either by rectal tactum or by trans-rectal ultrasonographies explorations, as well as on its consistence which goes from rocky to woody and from woody to a normal prostate consistence. The particular histological structure of the prostate can be in the genesis of this interaction which is hurtful to the tumor. Probably by a antiangiogenic mechanism the neo-vascularization of the tumor is prevented, depriving it of essential nourishing factors for its development. This development has lost control, the cells have lost contact inhibition to proliferate.
GREEN SAP would act too at tumor cell’s nucleus level, affecting its DNA and preventing the malignant cell’s proliferation; altering the order of the DNA bases and provoking a molecular “disorder” which would lead to the apoptosis, that is tumor cell death not only at the moment of GREEN SAP action but also afterwards, generating a chain effect that evolutes to the tumor death induced by GREEN SAP. This is maybe the reason why we find samples of prostatectomies with important intra-tumor necrosis and hemorrhages in their way to resolve or organizing; this observation would not correspond so much with the conventional hormonal treatment generally used.
It was also observed that GREEN SAP; prevents the creation of new tumor clones that escape to the body’s control and provoke early metastasis moreover on the bone substance, prostate metastases have avidity for bones.
Therefore GREEN SAP has a protective action on the bones preventing this body sector’s colonization by the disease, we observed osteoblastic lesions treated with GREEN SAP that set back and are eliminated by the organic depurator systems, provoking a removal and mobilization of the accumulated substance in the skeleton or particular areas of it.
The bone centellography exploration allows to appreciate the differences among treatments before and after the GREEN SAP. The hormonal traditional therapy has the risk of provoking thrombotic pathology.
This is another effect we see that does not occur with GREEN SAP, when a conventional treatment plus GREEN SAP is faced, what leads to the patient’s benefit as it frees him of thrombosis of the lower limbs and other economy’s areas.
Many times this can be the event that provokes a lung thrombo-embolism, and this can lead to a very characteristic episode which can lead towards the patient’s death. Knowing the fact that lung thrombo-embolism is diagnosed by perfusion-inhalation centellography, in order to appreciate the lung area that ventilates and therefore the affected one, we can affirm that in conventional-GREEN SAP mixed treatments, we did not observed it so it does not occur in our casuistic.