Green Sap – Mechanism of action


GREEN SAP acts in this way:

a) Inhibition of tumor cell’s growth up.

b) Cause programmed cell death (apoptosis).

c) Acts as immune modulator.

Other studies with GREEN SAP’s components in south American countries and Europeans in citotoxicity essays determined interactions of them with tumor cell’s DNA (prooxidation of it) and some favorable results in leukemia (Arizona, M. et al., 1985; Jorbis B. et al., 1988, Mongelli E. et al., 1996).


Between biologic activities demonstrated by GREEN SAP it can be mentioned at digestive level antiulcer activity in induced-ulcer models by Indometacina which action’s mechanism will center in a minor mobilization of calcium at intracellular level (Gamberini y Lapa A. 1992) and hepatoprotective action and colagogue demonstrated by their flavonoids. The mixture of them demonstrated to increase between 25 % and 100 % the percentage of overlife in intoxicated rats with phalloidina in a dose of 20 mg/kg intravenous.

The substance present in the components of the product that resulted more active in antitumoral protection was hispidulina according to Soickee H. y Leng Peschlow E. 1987.

The synergism of the substances of the plants that conform GREEN SAP, reach a marked antitumoral effect and besides a marked colagogue and hepatoprotective effect.

The information about the component’s properties is complemented by the essays of cellular kinetic made specifically with the product that allow to prove its activity as tumor cell’s growth up inhibitor and observations at microscope at them that showed signals of cellular death comparables with ” programmed cellular death ” (apoptosis)